Some of this might have been on the three day sale, which ended Tuesday. I did not keep a copy of the ad, since I am not planning on going back~
2 Pens $0.99 ea (got back $1.98 in ECB's)
2 Composition books $0.99 ea (got back $1.98 in ECB's)
2 Tot Staplers $0.99 ea (got back $1.98 in ECB's)
1 Index card holder $0.99 (got back $0.99 in ECB's)
1 Eraser set $0.99 (got back $0.99 in ECB's)
1 Push Pin set $0.00 (got back $0.99 in ECB's)
used $7.47 in ECB's
I actually got one of the compostion books on the 2nd order- I had a question as to whether the CVS brand was the same as Caliber- they were. So, I was able to use a $0.99 ECB from the 1st transaction to buy the 2nd notebook- which is how I found out that ECB's are now being treated as manufacturer coupons, and ECB's no longer reduce your taxable total, which will mean more OOP from here on out. I guess that state of Georgia has caught onto the lost revenue, and made CVS change how they calculate the tax. The ECB's earned from your spending are still rung as store coupons, and DO reduce your taxable total- but most of us CVS'ers don't earn a whole lot that way, since we don't have a lot of OOP. I don't think I have EVER earned more than $1.00 for the whole quarter- and sometimes don't earn anything at all. Anyway, my totals:
Total OOP: $2.03 ($0.59 was tax)
Saved: $7.47