Monday, October 12, 2009


This was a great price on Rachel Ray dog food, and I was able to come up with more coupons:
2 Rachel Ray dog food B1/G1= $4.49 ea used (2) $2 q's
2 Lays Chips B1/G1= $1.99 ea
Sara Lee Bread $1.99
Crunch 'n Clean B1/G1- $1.99 used $2 q
Milk Bones $3.11 used free item coupon
2 Carpet fresh B1/G1= $1.76 supposed to have (2) $1 q's, but the cashier missed one- I hate when that happens and I don't catch it!)
2 X-14 cleaners B1/G1- $1.56 used (2) $1 q's
**This is why I DON'T buy my cleaners at the dollar store- when you combine sale & coupon, you can routinely get name brand cleaners for well uner $1***
OOP: $16.21 (Shoulda been $15.21~)
Saved: $12.11 (Shoulda been $13.11~)

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