I got a $5 rebate from Rite Aid in the mail this weekend. Since I am depositing it in the bank rather than spending it back on groceries, I am deducting it from my amount spent and adding it to my amount saved for the year. I wondered whether it was "double counting" it that way, but if it were a coupon, it would reduce my amount paid AND be added to my amount saved.....so how do YOU count your rebates?
Also stopped at a gas station for milk...yes, I know and expensive place to get milk, but I was out and did not want to stop twice. I was too far away from Kroger, so I jusy got gas at the Racetrac, the next lowest place around. They were out of gallons (the sky dropped a couple of flakes of snow, and in Georgia, this creates paninc) so I got a 1/2 gallon for $2.55 w/tax to carry us over.
Total 2009 Savings: $98.48
Total 2009 Spending: $194.78
My monthly budget is $425/mo, so I am actually doing well for the month.
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