Monday, January 26, 2009

Walgreen's Trips

I don't have a picture of the weekend trip- it was to get cold medicine for my daughter- we went down to visit grandparents and I went off and left the cough syrup on the kitchen counter:
Wal-Tussin: $3.99
Walgree's 50ct Ibuprofen 2/$3.99 - At Walgreen's, when items are b1/g1, you have to get both since the 1st rings up full price and the 2nd for $0.
used $5 RR from last week
OOP: $3.46
Saved: $5.00
Here's the trip pictured above:
2 storage Bags used WAG q to get them for $0.99
Colgate Total $2.99 used $1q, got $2 RR
2 Reynolds wrao used WAG q to get the for $0.89
2 Hershey Bars used WAG q to get them both for $0.89 (ate 1 of them so it's not pictured)
2 WAG Water bottles- were supposed to be 2/$3, but they rand up $1.01 & $1.50
They were an implulse purchase- my kids like to use these type bottles, and they had tissues, hand sanitizer, hand lotion and chap stick in them
2 Puffs tissues WAG q to get them for $0.89, also used $0.25 q on each
Garbage bags $2.99 will get $1 ESR
OOP: $14.43
Saved $6.80

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