Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bi-lo: 2 Transactions, "goofs" on both!!

Kraft dressing B1/G1 $1.41 used $1.50 q
2 Lays Chips B1/G1 $1.99 ea
Frito Dip $2.89 used $2 q
**I think I made a mistake with this coupon- it beeped, and I only realized later that I was supposed to buy the FAMILY size chips- an honest mistake on my part- I never buy those got big bags and thought the ones I bought counted.**
2 Pillsbury cake mix $0.77 ea
2 Sara Lee Classic White B1/G1 $1.24 ea
(unfortunately DOES NOT count for the HSM3 rebate- has to be Soft & Smooth)
2 Duncan Hines brownies B1/G1 $0.88 ea used $0.60, doubled
3 Hefty Zip Loc B1/G1 $1.49 ea used (3) $0.55, doubled
2 Kraft Cheese $1.66 ea
Mayfield milk $4.39 used free milk coupon
Eggs $0.99
2 Green Giant frozen corn $1.00 ea used $1.00/2
Cool Whip B1/G1 $1.00
2 Breyers Ice cream $1.88 ea
Dessert shells $1.50
Pillsbury brownie mix $0.96
**I HAD a $0.35 coupon that should have doubled- realized when I got home that the cashier DID NOT ring it- ggrrr.....but I did not feel like $0.70 was worth going back for***
OOP: $37.95
Saved $13.39
Marshmallows $0.98
2 Pillsbury cookies $2.50 ea used $0.55/2, doubled
Del Monte fruit cup $1.00 Used $1 q
Salad Mix $1.49 (reduced- goes out of date Monday)
OK...her's the goof on this transaction- The cahier rang 2 eggs at $1 ea, but I only bought 1. BUT, she did not ring the Kraft dressing at $1.41- which explains why my $1.50 coupon beeped. (They pushed it through). The overall differene was $0.41, in my favor- which ALMOST makes up for the $0.70 they shorted my on the previous order, lol!) I am just not having good expereinces at this particular store.
OOP: $7.17
Saved: $3.60

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