Friday, April 24, 2009

Groceries for $800 a YEAR??

I follow a lot of blogs. While I love going through the papers and matching up sales and coupons, there are a lot of deals that I just don't notice until I see somebody else do it, and the lightbulb goes off. But here is one that is especially fun:

Erin sets an annual budget of just $800 a year for all grocery and health, beauty items. If you click on her "About my $800" tab, she explains what is included, etc. I am nowhere near that good yet- maybe if I could quit my Dr. Pepper habit, I might come close, lol! Keep in mind, she did start with a very well stocked pantry- a "stockpile", since she had already been couponing when she decided to challenge herself to the $800 budget. She also does not pay sales tax on food in her state (except convenience food). She also has a store that will let her roll her "Catalinas" into gift cards- where I live, all the catalinas exclude gift cards, so I have to use them quicker, especially Walgreen's, which has short expiration dates. Erin also grows some of her veggies & fruits, and occasionally posts about trades where she'll trade HBA items for perishables. But, all that creativity leads where we all want to go- a lower grocery bill! While I can't match Erin's $800 budget (maybe one day!), I still find her blog an inspiration to my frugal nature. Check it out!

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