Thursday, January 29, 2009

CVS- Pepsico Deal

We do not drink Pepsi, so I bought a bunch of chips to do this deal. We were out prior to this, so there will be no problem using them up before they go stale- I already used a bag for Girl Scouts snack~ Lays were $2/bag and Tostitos were $3. When you buy $20, you get $10 ECB back, so it's like paying $1 for the Lays and $1.50 for the Tostitos.

The Pantene was $4.99 ea. Used $3/2. Paid $6.98 and got $6 ECB back. I am well aware that I could have done this in 2 transactions- the Pantene first, then the Chips using the ECB's I got from the Pantene. That would have resulted in less OOP, but taken more time. When I did the math, it would have been $6.14 less OOP, but I would have $6 less in ECB's for next time. So, for me, $0.14 savings does not justify the extra time at the register.

OOP: $16.67 Got $16 ECB's back
Saved $$10.00 Used $7 ECB in addition to $3 mc

2009 OOP: $376.92
2009 Saved: $226.36

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rite Aid- Free Glucose Monitor

I don't have a diabetic in the family, but my son passed out recently and it would have been nice to be able to check and see if his sugar was low. These monitors are $19.99 at Rite Aid and there was a $20 coupon in Sunday's paper (adjusted down to $19.99). I was also not charged tax, apparently, although I thought I was supposed to pay it. It may be exluded as a health item in my state? Also got tht the Garnier shampoo FAR. The Electrasol was high- $6.19, but I finally got a $2.50 coupon that the bigger cities were lucky to get. With the $2 rebate, it makes it $1.69.
OOP: $7.32 - will get $4.99 rebate
Saved: $22.49 - unfortunately, I did not have anymore Garnier coupons~

Monday, January 26, 2009


They did not have everything I wanted. The store in the mall is smaller and does not carry everthing the larger store does. That's OK, though- the ECB's will roll better this way for less OOP:

2 Lay's Chips $2 ea
2 Gillette shampoos: $4.99 ea used $2/2 (I did not have any $2/1 left)
Reese's 6 pk $2.97

Used $3 ECB, got back $6 ECB for shampoo & $1 for Reese's

OOP: $12.65
Saved: $5.00

Total 2009 OOP: $352.93
Total 2009 Saved: $193.87

Walgreen's Trips

I don't have a picture of the weekend trip- it was to get cold medicine for my daughter- we went down to visit grandparents and I went off and left the cough syrup on the kitchen counter:
Wal-Tussin: $3.99
Walgree's 50ct Ibuprofen 2/$3.99 - At Walgreen's, when items are b1/g1, you have to get both since the 1st rings up full price and the 2nd for $0.
used $5 RR from last week
OOP: $3.46
Saved: $5.00
Here's the trip pictured above:
2 storage Bags used WAG q to get them for $0.99
Colgate Total $2.99 used $1q, got $2 RR
2 Reynolds wrao used WAG q to get the for $0.89
2 Hershey Bars used WAG q to get them both for $0.89 (ate 1 of them so it's not pictured)
2 WAG Water bottles- were supposed to be 2/$3, but they rand up $1.01 & $1.50
They were an implulse purchase- my kids like to use these type bottles, and they had tissues, hand sanitizer, hand lotion and chap stick in them
2 Puffs tissues WAG q to get them for $0.89, also used $0.25 q on each
Garbage bags $2.99 will get $1 ESR
OOP: $14.43
Saved $6.80

Weekend Rite Aid Trip

Went in to use the $10 RA Gift Certificate I had from the gift of savings program that ended at Christmas:

Doritos $2.79
2 Cheez Its $1.99
Bic Soleil Razor $4.99 Used $2 q
Skintimate Shave gel $2.49 used $1.50 in ad q
RA Ibuprofen $0.99

OOP: 1.88 will get back $2 on the ESR for Bic Soleil
Saved: $13.50

Friday, January 23, 2009

Another run to Kroger

Since the Dr. Pepper was included in the $5/10 event, I decided to go back for more. I am NOT out this time- just stocking up! The Kraft cheese was included, and I found $0.75/1 q's in the smartsource machine. After the $5/10 and the q. they were $0.74 each. (I was even out- what timing!) The slices were $1.49 after the $5/10. I only bought the shave gel and the Gillette shampoos to finish out some gift baskets I was working on. The shampoos were $4.37, but I did use $2 q's on each. I also bought some Hall's cough drops (not pictures) that were $1.89 (gasp!- full price!) for my daughter's cold. Sara Lee bread was $0.84 after sale & coupon.

OOP: $30.87
Saved: $19.65

2009 OOP: $320.51
2009 Saved: $163.57

Thursday, January 22, 2009


OK....I could've done better. But I took my son to the Dr. this morning, and we stopped on the way home- WITHOUT my coupon box. (I did have a few with me that I knew I was going to use). Blogging has helped me to realize just how much I spend on Dr. Pepper- over $35 so far this month- about 12 1/2% of my total spending!
4 Dr. Pepper 4/$12
4 Cheetos $1.99 ea
2 Lay's $2.27 ea
4 Orville Popcorn $1.99 ea used $1/2- only had 1 coupon
2 Heinz Ketchup $1.99 ea
Big K 12 pk for kids $2.29
4 Tombstone Pizzas $2.99 ea
4 Kroger pizza pals $0.72 ea
2 Tropicana Juice $2.99 ea used $1.25/2
Sara Lee Bread B1/G1 $1.39 forgot a $0.55q at home~
Milk $3.18
Revlon eyelash tool clearance $2 used $1q
2 Goldfish crackers $1.59 ea
In total I did 2 of the $5/10 rewards. But apparently the Dr. Pepper was included in that, so my receipt says I purchased 24 items. I could've put back 4 of the chips or popcorn OR gotten 6 more items to take full advantage, but I did not realize~
Total OOP: $58.33
Total Saved $17.25
Total 2009 OOP: $289.64
Total 2009 Saved: $143.92
I don't feel like I'm doing very well this month- January is a busy time for me, so I have taken a lot of shortcuts. But, I am staying well within my $425/mo budget, which includes ALL grocery store & drug store spending. (Except prescriptions, which we rarely have anyway). My overall goal, though, is NOT to see how "low I can go", but to save as much as I can and still buy what my family wants. If circumstances ever dictated, I would certainly find even more ways to save, but for now I am happy to do as much as I can within my current budget.


I haven't been doing very many register reward deals because the restrictions are so aggravating, and the expiration date is so short. But since I had some good coupons, I did the P&G deal:

2 Natural Instincts Hair Color $5.99 ech = $11.98 used $5/2 q
Infusium Shampoo $5.99 used $3 q
Crest Pro Toothpaste $2.50 used $1.50 q

6 Hallmark tissue papers 3/$1 w/WAG coupon
2 boxed Valentines $0.99 ea w/WAG coupon
2 Garnier Haircolor clearanced to $3.29 used $3 q on each one

Got back a $5 RR on top 3 items.

Total: $17.70
Saved: $21.44

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Groceries on Amazon?

I have Orville Movie Theater Butter Popcorn on my grocery list- the only brand we really like, and we it on a regular basis. I noticed that on Amazon, you can "subscribe" to a grocery product and have it delivered on a regular basis- every 1,2,3, or 6 months, I think. Anyway, the popcorn we like is $18.42 for 12-3pks. That comes to $1.53 and a half cents per 3pk. (No shipping when you "subscribe"). I can OCCASIONALLY get it cheaper when I have coupons, but often pay higher prices- 2-$2.50/3pk since we eat it on a regular basis. I am really considering doing this, but I'd like to hear form others and see if anyone else does this- if not with popcorn, then with other products you consume regularly. Is it really a good deal, or will the prices jump with no fair warning?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wal-Mart Run

I do not have my camera- it's with my son in DC. Hopefully, it will come home with him too. Here's what I bought....(a word of warning- NEVER NEVER shop when you skipped both breakfast and lunch!!)

Bananas 48cents/lb....$0.82
Tortillas $1.46
Lay's chips $2.50
Honey Buns $2.50
Donuts $3.00....see what I mean about not shopping hungry?
2 Enchilada sauce $1.14 ea (guess what we're having for dinner?)
Sea Pak popcorn shrimp $3.56 used $1 q (could have gotten a smaller pack for 32 cents after q, but this was a requested item from husband/daughter, and the small pack would not have fed them both)
Nestle hot chocolate $1 used $0.75q
Fast Fixins chicken nuggets $3.68 used $1 q
2 Arm & Hammer boxes $0.54 ea used $1/2 q
Suave lotion $0.97 used $1 q

OOP $18.83
Saved $4.75

YTD OOP: $213.61
YTD Saved: $103.23

Two of my coupons did not scan originally- I noticed that my total was only about $2 less after coupons and I asked the cashier to please check that they all came off. She was very kind to match them all up for me and sure enough, 2 of my $1 coupons did not come off initially. Remember to ALWAYS watch the coupons being scanned- at least check to see how many you have, or how much should come off before you go the register. If they DON"T come off, not only have you overpaid- you've also lost your coupons!

Rite Aid Rebate

I got a $5 rebate from Rite Aid in the mail this weekend. Since I am depositing it in the bank rather than spending it back on groceries, I am deducting it from my amount spent and adding it to my amount saved for the year. I wondered whether it was "double counting" it that way, but if it were a coupon, it would reduce my amount paid AND be added to my amount how do YOU count your rebates?

Also stopped at a gas station for milk...yes, I know and expensive place to get milk, but I was out and did not want to stop twice. I was too far away from Kroger, so I jusy got gas at the Racetrac, the next lowest place around. They were out of gallons (the sky dropped a couple of flakes of snow, and in Georgia, this creates paninc) so I got a 1/2 gallon for $2.55 w/tax to carry us over.

Total 2009 Savings: $98.48
Total 2009 Spending: $194.78

My monthly budget is $425/mo, so I am actually doing well for the month.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cereal Deal at K-mart

K-mart has a sale on General Mills cereals- they are 5/$10. And if you buy 5 (must be all in 1 transaction), you can send in for a $5 K-mart gift card. The rebate form prints after you buy the cereal- it actually says you can get a $10 card if you buy 10 cereals, so I may go back for another batch. It's not clear whether all 10 must be bought at once- I doubt there were even that many on the shelf. But the form won't print unless you buy 5. Used $1/1 and $1/3.
OOP: $8.30 Will get a $5 K-mart card
Saved $2.00
Total 2009 OOP: $197.23
Total 2009 Saved: $93.48

Out of Dr. Pepper AGAIN!!

This is an expensive habit, I know- It seems like there are never any good sales anymore. Went to Kroger & got 2 - 20 packs for $5.99 and used a $2/2 coupon. I've only recently started seeeing this size package, so I had to do a little math to figure that I was basically paying the equivalent of $2.99/12 pack. Not a good price, but I was completely out. Also picked up a small nesquick for $1 to drink while I was out.
OOP: $11.37
Saved: $2.00

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

CVS, Kroger

I haven't found much lately at CVS to make me want to go- my last trip was December 28th! But, my daughter loves Cheez-Its and this was a pretty good deal, even without a coupon:

Paid $6, get $3 ECB
used $2.00 ECB & $1.50 ECB from winter spending

OOP: $2.58 got $3 ECB

A quick Kroger run- I wanted hamburger buns for lunch tomorrow-

Hamburger buns $0.88
Hot dog buns $0.88
Hamburger Helper $1 each used $0.75 shortcuts q
2 cans hot dog chili $0.85 ea (yikes...seems high- I don't usually pay full price!)
Shake 'n Bake $2.29 (could've saved a buck buying store brand-oh well!)
Kroger spaghetti $0.89

OOP: $8.15
Saved $0.75 (yay me, lol!)
Total 2009 OOP: $177.56
Total 2009 savings: $89.48

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Kroger, Walgreen's & K-Mart

2 Pledge duster refills $2.50 used $1 doubled on each
Lysol kitchen cleaner $2.79 used $1 doubled

OOP: $2.13
Saved $6

4 Quaker Oatmeal 2/$8 used WAG $1.99 ea q (took off $8.04) & (2) $1/2 mc
Electrasol $3.49
2 garland $0.10ea
3 C-mas gift tags $0.19ea
used $10 RR from earlier this week
OOP: $0.76 ($0.54 was tax!) will get back $1.65 on WAG GC for Electrasol
Saved: $20.04

Kroger: (This was my "beverage run"- being out of DP is an emergency for me!)
24 pk Dr. Pepper $6.99
24 pk Cokes $6.99
2 MM OJ $2.50 ea
Milk $3.18
Sara Lee Bread $2.59 use $1 off milk when you buy bread
2 Dr. K 2 liters $0.69 ea
Big K Lemon Lime $0.69
2 Kro food colors $0.50 ea
Soft Soap $1 used $0.35q doubled
Fresh Express Salad $1.99 used $1q
3 suave body washes 3/$5 used 3 $0.50q's doubled
OOP $31.30 ($24.96 was for beverages- yikes!!)
Saved $5.70
Total 2009 OOP: $166.83
Total 2009 Savings: $85.23

Monday, January 5, 2009


3 Glade candle refills $2.50 used b2/g1
3 Ajax powders $0.99 used WAG 3/$1 q -$1.97
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream $3 used $3 printable q
Flinstones Vitamins $5 used $1q
One A DAy Vitamins $7 used $1q
Aleve 100 ct $8 used $1 q
Revlon Matte eyeliner (FAR item) $9.99 used $2q

Also used $4.77 GC Balance
Spent $29.00 OOP- recieved a $10 Register Reward, sent off for $10 mail in rebate on med's, also will get $14.29 WAG rebate reloaded to my gift card.
Saved $17.47

I could have had less OOP by holding off on the Revlon and using the RR for it- but, my time is worth something, too, and I figure it all comes back anyway, so I just got everything at once.

YTD OOP: $132.64
YTD Savings: $$53.49

Total 2009

K-Mart Doubles

K-Mart is doubling coupons this week up to and including $1. Only stopped in for (almost) free Hormel Compleats:

One rang up for $2.59, should have been $2 each- I did not argue over $0.60, but it DID reinforce my negative view of K-Mart, though.

OOP: $0.67

Saved $4.00 2-$1q's doubled

Will post Walgreens and YTD Totals separately- having trouble uploading my 2nd pic~

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Second Kroger Trip

Decided to swing by Kroger on the way home from church- hubby did NOT like the store brand OJ I tried to pass off as "real"~
MM OJ $2.50
Cotton Balls $1 (just cause I needed them)
Maybelline Lip Gloss $3.99 used $4q adjusted downt to $3.99
Milk $3.18 free w/3 kelloggs cereals
Frosted Flakes $2.50 used $1q
Mini Wheats $3.36 used $1q
Kelloggs Pops $2.67 used $1q
Total w/tax $9.71
Saved $10.17
Considering I woulda bought milk anyway, the cereal works out to $0.78/bx or so.....Best thing to me is that I saved more than I spent-even with overpriced OJ!
Total Spent 2009: $102.97
Total Saved 2009: $32.25

Saturday, January 3, 2009

First "real" shopping trip of 2009

Went to Kroger....keep in mind, I have not done a lot of shopping at all for a couple of months. Anyway, I spent $90.70 and used $17.08 in coupons. I'd already stopped for just a few things, they are included in totals below, I will try to take pictures of future buys- still new at this!

Total spent: $93.26
Total saved: $22.08

2009 Goals

OK.....2008 was my 1st year of seriously trying to save on groceries & household stuff. So, My goal is to do better than my 2008 totals:

Drug stores: $1,055.28
Grocery stores: $3,963.63
Total spent: $5,018.56 (Avg $98.16/wk)

Coupon Total (Saved) $3,487.90...includes ECB's from CVS

I am fairly well stocked up on health/beauty stuff from '08, only fairly so on food. Not sure how far I want to go there- too concerned about spoilage.