I improvised a bit because they were out of the Farm Rich cheese I wanted. But I added in the Solo cups, which were part of the mega event sale. The only things pictured that I did not have coupons for were the chocolate milk, chips, buns & the mayo. I was hoping to come up with a coupon for that, but $1.99 was a good price regardless. I ended up buying 3 sets of mega event items, since I also added in the pedigree dog food. (I had planned 2). My prices are AFTER the $0.50 per item mega event savigs; it's just easier to record that way, and since I got exactly 30 items, I was right on target.
Brawny $5.49 used $1 q & a $2 eCpn that I'd forgotten about= $2.49
Northern $5.49 used $1 q & a $2 eCpn that I'd forgotten about= $2.49
Kro Choc milk $2.28
Daisy Sour Cream $1.49 used $0.50, doubled= $0.49
4 Texas Toast $1.89 used (4) $0.50, doubled = $0.89ea
Hamb buns $0.88
Hot dog buns $0.88
6 Kraft Cheese $0.99 used (3) $1/2 = $0.49 ea
2 Wheat Thins $1.69 used (2) $1 q's = $0.69 ea
Sister Schubert Rolls $1.99 used $0.50, doubled= $0.99
3 Electrasol $2.99 used (3) $2.50 q's = $0.49 ea
Tostidos $2.38 AND Salsa $1.99 ea used $0.55/both = $3.82/both
Kraft Mayo $1.99
Newmans Marinara $2.39 used $0.50, doubled = $1.39
3 Pedigree Dog food $0.26 ea used B2/G1 that took off $0.76= $0.02 for ALL three!
2 Goldfish $0.88 ea used $0.50/2, doubled = $0.38 ea
2 Solo Cups $1.49 used (2) $0.75 q's = $0.74 ea
Frito Lay Chips $1.78 ea
OOP: $33.33
Saved: $44.31 in q's & mega event savings
71% savings includes sale prices that saved me another $33.55
Kroger counts the $15 mega event savings as part of the "sale savings" rather than coupon savings, but I flip flop it, because I figure if I have to count my groceries as I buy them to make sure I buy in increments of 10, then I am having to DO something to get those prices, so I think of it as a coupon. If I went in and bought 2 of the items included in the mega event & nothing else- the items would not ring up at the lower price.